Project: TA-Assist

TA-Assist is a desktop application targeted at NUS Teaching Assistants (TA). It helps them to keep track of their students’ grades, attendance, and work submission status of relevant modules. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature:
    • Integrated the ModuleClass class to the project.
    • Implemented addc, deletec, listc, assign, unassign commands.
    • Implemented deletes command.
    • Implemented export command.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense Link
  • Project management:
    • Created and maintained project milestones.
    • Authored 26 issues to keep track of current issues and progress.
    • Reviewed 65 pull requests to ensure quality and consistency across the project.
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Changed Tag to ModuleClass.
    • Make Session and ModuleClass case-insensitive.
    • Integrated Comparator to classes so that they can be sorted correctly.
    • Integrated the StorageAction and UiAction classes to the project and modified logic flow in LogicManager and MainWindow.
    • Overloaded the CommandResult class to contain UiAction and StorageAction if necessary.
  • Documentation:
    • Added implementation of add class, delete class, and assigning students to classes in the Developer Guide.
    • Added documentation in User Guide on class related commands.
    • Added documentation in User Guide for clear and export command.
    • Added implementation of ExportCommand in the Developer Guide.